Lakewood Church, a non-denominational evangelical Christian megachurch in Houston, Texas, is one of the largest congregations in the U.S., drawing approximately 45,000 weekly attendees. It holds services in a 16,800-seat building, the former Compaq Center. Joel Osteen serves as the senior pastor, with his wife, Victoria, as co-pastor. The church hosts multiple English and Spanish-language services each week.
On May 10, 1959, Lakewood Church, originally named Lakewood Baptist Church, was founded by John Osteen and his wife, Dolores (Dodie), on Mother's Day in a tent in Houston.
In 1961, John Osteen left Lakewood Church to pursue missions.
In 1969, John Osteen returned to Lakewood Church after being called to missions.
In 1972, Lakewood Church broke ground for a new building that seated seven hundred people.
By 1979, Lakewood Church's attendance was over five thousand, and it was becoming prominent among Pentecostals and charismatics.
On February 15, 1987, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for Lakewood's new eight-thousand-seat sanctuary.
In April 1988, the new eight-thousand-seat sanctuary was completed.
John Osteen, the founder of Lakewood Church, died on January 23, 1999.
In 2001, during Tropical Storm Allison, Lakewood Church opened as a shelter to approximately five thousand displaced persons.
In 2002, Lakewood began a Hispanic ministry, Iglesia Lakewood, founded by Hispanic Pastor Marcos Witt and his wife, Miriam Witt.
In late 2003, Lakewood Church, under Joel Osteen, signed a long-term lease with the city of Houston to acquire the Compaq Center, a former sports arena.
On July 16, 2005, Lakewood Church relocated to the Compaq Center in Houston, a 16,800-seat facility.
On October 14, 2007, 60 Minutes ran a segment titled "Joel Osteen Answers his Critics", during which Michael Horton called Osteen's message heresy.
In 2007, Lakewood Church reported spending nearly $30 million every year on its television ministry.
On March 31, 2010, the Houston City Council voted to sell the former building to Lakewood Church for $7.5 million.
In September 2012, Danilo and Gloriana Montero assumed the role of associate pastors for the Hispanic ministry, Iglesia Lakewood.
In an interview with The Christian Post on April 21, 2013, Joel Osteen expressed his sentiments on being perceived as being part of the prosperity gospel.
In 2014, $600,000 in cash and checks disappeared from a safe at Lakewood Church.
Since 2016, Lakewood Church organizes an annual Mobilizing Medical Missions Conference to equip doctors for on-field medical missions.
According to the Houston Chronicle Lakewood church’s income was $89m in the year ending March 2017. More than 90 percent of that was raised from church followers and barely 1 percent of its budget went to charitable causes.
During Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Joel Osteen received criticism for not initially making Lakewood Church available as an emergency shelter.
On August 15, 2018, the City of Houston proclaimed a "Lakewood Church Day" in honor of Lakewood's assistance in reconstruction efforts across the Houston area.
In November 2018, CBS News listed Lakewood Church as the largest megachurch in the United States, with approximately 43,500 weekly visitors.
On December 3, 2021, news services reported that a plumber found cash and checks within a wall behind a toilet that was being repaired at Lakewood Church. The money may have been related to a 2014 incident.
In 2021, Lakewood Church provided shelter services during Hurricane Ida and the Texas Freeze.
On February 11, 2024, a woman with a history of mental health issues entered Lakewood Church and began firing an AR-15. She was killed by off-duty officers, and her son was critically injured.
In 2024, Lakewood paid off the $100 million in loans used to renovate the Compaq Center.