Salwan Sabah Matthew Momika, an Iraqi refugee residing in Sweden, gained notoriety for his public desecration and burning of the Quran. Formerly a member of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), Momika became an atheist and anti-Islam activist after seeking refuge in Sweden. His provocative demonstrations, often broadcast live on platforms like TikTok, sparked controversy and condemnation. On January 29, 2025, Momika was assassinated during one such live broadcast.
Salwan Momika was born in June 1986.
In 2012, Momika fled Iraq after being convicted of causing a wrongful death in a car accident and sentenced to three years imprisonment.
Following the fall of Mosul to ISIS in June 2014, Momika joined the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) to fight against ISIS.
In 2014, Momika founded the 'Syriac Democratic Union' and the 'Falcons of the Syriac Forces', armed militias affiliated with the Christian militia Babylon Brigade.
In 2017, Momika lost a power struggle within the Babylon Movement and fled Iraq.
Momika fled to Germany in 2017, where he publicly announced his atheism and apostasy from Christianity.
In April 2018, Momika applied for asylum in Sweden.
Momika was granted a three-year temporary residence permit in Sweden in April 2021.
In 2023, Swedish authorities ordered Momika's expulsion but granted him a new temporary residence permit until April 2024 due to threats against him in Iraq.
Throughout 2023, Momika organized and carried out several public demonstrations in Sweden where he desecrated and burned the Quran, sparking controversy and international attention.
In March 2024, Momika attempted to seek asylum in Norway but was arrested and deported back to Sweden under the Dublin Regulation.
In 2023, Swedish authorities ordered Momika's expulsion but granted him a new temporary residence permit until April 2024 due to threats against him in Iraq.
Momika was granted a three-year temporary residence permit in Sweden in April 2021. This was to expire in April 2024
Salwan Momika died on January 29, 2025, at age 38, after being shot during a TikTok livestream at his home in Södertälje. Five arrests were made.
Salwan Momika was assassinated on January 29, 2025, during a live broadcast on TikTok.