In 1900, the Canadian Canoe Association was founded.
In 1924, sprint canoe was a demonstration sport at the Paris Olympics.
From 1935 to 1986 the Voyageur dollar depicted a canoe containing a voyageur and an Indigenous man, on the reverse.
In 1936, canoeing became part of the Olympics.
In 1936, sprint canoe became an Olympic discipline at the Berlin Olympics.
In 1936, the British Canoe Union was founded.
In 1946, the International Canoe Federation was formed.
From 1935 to 1986 the Voyageur dollar depicted a canoe containing a voyageur and an Indigenous man, on the reverse.
In 1989, multiple Native American tribes paddled to Seattle on the occasion of Washington State's centennial year.
In 1993, a large number of canoes paddled from up and down the coast to Bella Bella for its first canoe festival, Qatuwas.
Race distances at the 2012 Olympic Games were 200 and 1000 meters.
In 2014, the raw composite material Royalex was discontinued by its only manufacturer.