Resilience and perseverance in the journey of Michael Savage. A timeline of obstacles and growth.
Michael Savage, born Michael Alan Weiner, is an American author, political commentator, activist, and former radio host. He is renowned for hosting "The Savage Nation," a nationally syndicated talk show that was highly popular. Savage holds advanced degrees in fields like medical botany, medical anthropology, and nutritional ethnomedicine. As Michael Weiner, he authored books on health-related topics. Under the name Michael Savage, he has written politically charged books, some of which became New York Times bestsellers. He is known for his conservative views and controversial statements.
In 1994, Michael Savage's final health and nutrition manuscript, "Immigrants and Epidemics", was rejected by publishers for being inflammatory.
In 1996, Michael Savage applied to become the Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley but was rejected; he later sued the university for discrimination but eventually dropped the lawsuit.
On July 7, 2003, Michael Savage was fired from his MSNBC show after controversial remarks made in response to a caller.
On May 5, 2009, Savage was placed on a list of people banned from entering the United Kingdom due to "unacceptable behaviour."
On September 10, 2009, KNEW in San Francisco announced it was dropping Michael Savage's program due to a shift in philosophical direction.
In 2009, Michael Savage was permanently banned from entering the United Kingdom for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred."
In September 2010, Michael Savage's program was among the first casualties when San Francisco station KTRB went into receivership.
On September 27, 2012, Michael Savage's talk show left the airwaves after he won a legal battle with Talk Radio Network.
In December 2019, Savage suffered a heart attack, but subsequently recovered and returned on air.
In 2019, after Boris Johnson became Prime Minister, Savage's attorney requested that his ban from the UK be overturned.
As of 2020, the Conservative government had taken no action to overturn Savage's ban from entering the UK.