Palm Sunday is a Christian feast commemorating Jesus Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, as described in the Gospels. People waved palm branches to honor him. It marks the beginning of Holy Week, the week before Easter. In Western Christianity, it's the last week of Lent, while in Eastern Christianity, Holy Week follows Great Lent. The feast occurs on the Sunday before Easter.
In 1928, the American Book of Common Prayer officially termed the day Palm Sunday, also referred to as The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday.
In 1940, Palm Sunday coincided with Saint Patrick's Day (March 17), an event said to presage a great event; this occurred at the beginning of the Second World War.
In 1965, The Book of Worship for Church and Home in the Methodist Church provided a Collect for Palm Sunday.
In 2008, the highest palm in Lipnica Murowana, Poland reached 33.39 meters (109.5 ft) in the artificial palm competition.