Lebanon, officially the Republic of Lebanon, is a country in the Levant region of West Asia, bordering Syria to the north and east, Israel to the south, and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. Its capital and largest city is Beirut. The country has a population of over five million and an area of 10,452 square kilometers.
In 1916, the Sykes–Picot Agreement delineated Lebanon as open to potential French influence.
The Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate ended in 1918.
In 1919, Patriarch Elias Peter Hoayek campaigned for an expanded territory at the Paris Peace Conference.
On September 1920, Greater Lebanon was officially established under French control.
In 1920, King Faisal I proclaimed the Arab Kingdom of Syria's independence and asserted control over Lebanon.
In 1920, Lebanon was known as Greater Lebanon.
In July 1922, the arrangement for Greater Lebanon was ratified.
In 1923, Kahlil Gibran's book "The Prophet" was published. It has since been translated into over twenty different languages.
On September 1926, the Lebanese Republic was officially proclaimed.
Because the relative sizes of different religions and religious sects remains a sensitive issue, a national census has not been conducted since 1932.
In 1932, the Code des Obligations et des Contrats was promulgated, equivalent to the French Civil Code, and is a notable set of codified laws.
When the last census was held in 1932, Christians made up 53% of Lebanon's population.
On 26 November 1941, General Georges Catroux announced that Lebanon would become independent under the authority of the Free French government.
On 8 November 1943, the new Lebanese government unilaterally abolished the mandate, leading to French imprisonment of the government.
In 1943, Lebanon gained its independence from Free France and established a confessional government.
In 1943, the National Pact was established, laying out a governing arrangement intended to harmonize the interests of the country's major religious groups, including the distribution of key political positions among different religious sects.
In 1943, the sovereign Republic of Lebanon was established.
Over 50% of the Lebanese diaspora are Christian, partly due to the large period of Christian emigration before 1943.
On 24 October 1945, the UN officially came into existence, legally terminating the French mandate for Syria and Lebanon.
In December 1946, the last French troops withdrew from Lebanon.
In May 1948, Lebanon supported neighboring Arab countries in a war against Israel.
On 5–6 June 1948, the Lebanese army captured Al-Malkiyya, Lebanon's only success in the war.
In 1956, it was estimated that the population was 54% Christian and 44% Muslim.
In 1958, an insurrection broke out in Lebanon, instigated by Lebanese Muslims who wanted to make Lebanon a member of the United Arab Republic.
In 1960, a science club from a university in Beirut started a Lebanese space program called "the Lebanese Rocket Society".
In 1966, the Lebanese Rocket Society program was stopped because of both war and external pressure.
In 1971, the fertility rate was 5.00.
Between 1975 and 2011, over 1.8 million people emigrated from Lebanon.
In 1975, a full-scale civil war broke out in Lebanon pitting a coalition of Christian groups against the joint forces of the PLO, left-wing Druze and Muslim militias.
In 1975, the Lebanese Civil War broke out, shattering the relative stability of the new Lebanese state.
In 1975, the Lebanese civil war started.
In 1975, the civil war began, heavily damaging Lebanon's economic infrastructure and cutting national output by half.
In June 1976, Lebanese President Élias Sarkis asked for the Syrian Army to intervene on the side of the Christians and help restore peace.
In October 1976 the Arab League agreed to establish a predominantly Syrian Arab Deterrent Force, which was charged with restoring calm.
In 1976, Syria began a military occupation of Lebanon that lasted until 2005.
PLO attacks from Lebanon into Israel in 1977 escalated tensions between the countries.
On 11 March 1978, 11 Fatah fighters landed on a beach in northern Israel and hijacked two buses full of passengers on the Haifa – Tel-Aviv road, shooting at passing vehicles in what became known as the Coastal Road massacre.
In 1978, Israeli forces withdrew later, but retained control of the southern region by managing a 19-kilometre-wide security zone along the border.
In 1978, Lebanon experienced the first Israeli invasion since 1978.
In April 1980, the killing of two UNIFIL soldiers and the injuring of a third by the South Lebanon Army, near At Tiri, in the buffer zone led to the At Tiri incident.
On 17 July 1981, Israeli aircraft bombed multi-story apartment buildings in Beirut that contained offices of PLO associated groups.
In August 1981, defense minister Ariel Sharon began to draw up plans to attack PLO military infrastructure in West Beirut.
The civil war re-emerged in September 1982 after the assassination of Lebanese President Bachir Gemayel.
In 1982, Hezbollah, a Shiite Islamist militant group and political party, emerged through the efforts of Shiite clerics, financially supported and trained by Iran. The group aimed to combat Israel, fight for the Shia cause, end Western presence in Lebanon, and establish a Shiite Khomeinist Islamic state.
In 1982, the Asfouriyeh Hospital, the first modern mental health hospital in the Middle East, closed due to the devastating impact of the Lebanese Civil War.
A multinational force of American, French and Italian contingents (joined in 1983 by a British contingent) were deployed in Beirut after the Israeli siege of the city, to supervise the evacuation of the PLO.
The multinational force was withdrawn in the spring of 1984, following a devastating bombing attack during the previous year.
In 1985, Israel began a military occupation of Lebanon that lasted until 2000.
In 1987, the Lebanese pound collapsed, with US$1 worth £L500, reducing the legal minimum wage to $17 a month, causing widespread need for assistance, especially for children.
In September 1988, the Lebanese Parliament failed to elect a successor to President Gemayel due to disagreements among Christians, Muslims, and Syrians.
In May 1989, the Arab League Summit led to the formation of a Saudi-Moroccan-Algerian committee to address the Lebanese crisis.
On 16 September 1989, a peace plan was issued by the Saudi-Moroccan-Algerian committee and accepted by all parties involved, leading to a ceasefire, the reopening of ports and airports, and the return of refugees.
In 1990, The Taif Agreement adjusted the ratio of seats in parliament to grant equal representation to followers of the Christian and Muslim religions.
In 1990, article 95 was amended to provide that the parliament shall take necessary measures to abolish political structure based on religious affiliation, while maintaining equal division of high public service positions between Christians and Muslims.
In 1990, the Lebanese Civil War ended after 16 years, causing extensive loss of life, property damage, and economic devastation.
In 1990, the civil war ended, enabling the central government to restore control in Beirut and regain access to key facilities.
In 1997, the Bourj Hammoud dump was closed.
In 1998, the al-Naameh dumpsite was opened by the government as a temporary solution, planned to contain 2 million tons of waste for a limited period of six years.
In May 2000, Israeli forces fully withdrew from Lebanon, and 25 May is regarded as the Liberation Day by the Lebanese.
In 2000, the Israeli military occupation of Lebanon, which began in 1985, came to an end.
In 2000, the Lebanon national rugby league team participated in the Rugby League World Cup.
In 2001, Investment Law No.360 was enacted in Lebanon to reinforce the Investment Development Authority's mission to promote investment.
Lebanon concluded negotiations on an association agreement with the European Union in late 2001.
In January 2002, Lebanon and the European Union initialed an association agreement.
In March 2002, Lebanon hosted an Arab League Summit for the first time in over 35 years.
In October 2002, Lebanon hosted the Francophonie Summit.
In 2004, industry in Lebanon ranked second in workforce, with 26% of the Lebanese working population, and second in GDP contribution, with 21% of Lebanon's GDP.
In 2004, the fertility rate was 1.75.
On 14 February 2005, former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri was assassinated in a car bomb explosion, triggering the Cedar Revolution.
By 26 April 2005, all Syrian soldiers had withdrawn from Lebanon under pressure from the West, following the Cedar Revolution.
In October 2005, the United Nations International Independent Investigation Commission published preliminary findings in the Mehlis report, indicating that the assassination of Rafic Hariri was organized by Syrian and Lebanese intelligence services.
As of 2005, some 20% of the population used French on a daily basis.
In 2005, Lebanon had the largest proportion of skilled labor among Arab States.
In 2005, the Syrian military occupation of Lebanon, which began in 1976, came to an end.
Since 2005, Lebanon has received over $400 million in American military aid, making it the second largest per capita recipient behind Israel.
Until 2005, Palestinians were forbidden to work in over 70 jobs due to their lack of Lebanese citizenship.
Until July 2006, Lebanon enjoyed considerable stability. The month-long 2006 war severely damaged Lebanon's fragile economy, especially the tourism sector.
According to a preliminary report published by the Lebanese Ministry of Finance on August 30, 2006, a major economic decline was expected as a result of the 2006 war.
On 14 August 2006, UNSC Resolution 1701 officially ended the 2006 Lebanon War, ordering a ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces, and the disarmament of Hezbollah.
In 2006, a series of protests began, led by groups opposed to the pro-Western Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, demanding a national unity government.
In October 2007, Emile Lahoud's presidential term ended, and the opposition refused to vote for a successor, leaving Lebanon without a president.
After liberalization laws were passed in 2007, the number of jobs Palestinians were banned from working in dropped to around 20.
On 9 May 2008, Hezbollah and Amal forces seized western Beirut after the government declared Hezbollah's communications network illegal, leading to military conflict. On 21 May 2008, the Doha Agreement was signed, ending the fighting and leading to Michel Suleiman becoming president.
In 2008, Lebanon attracted around 1,333,000 tourists, thus placing it as 79th out of 191 countries.
In 2008, protests continued, led by groups opposed to the pro-Western Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, demanding a national unity government.
In 2008, remittances from Lebanese abroad totalled $8.2 billion, accounting for one-fifth of the country's economy.
In 2008, the Lebanon national rugby league team narrowly missed qualification for the Rugby League World Cup.
In 2008, the United Nations assigned Lebanon an education index of 0.871, ranking the country 88th out of 177 participating countries. This index is determined by the adult literacy rate and the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment ratio.
Over the course of 2008 Lebanon rebuilt its infrastructure mainly in the real estate and tourism sectors, resulting in a comparatively robust post war economy.
Sectarian violence in Beirut resulted in a number of deaths during the deadliest clashes since 2008.
In 2009, Lebanon hosted the Jeux de la Francophonie.
In 2009, The New York Times ranked Beirut the No. 1 travel destination worldwide due to its nightlife and hospitality.
In 2009, the Lebanon national rugby league team took part in the European Cup, defeating Ireland to finish 3rd in the tournament.
In 2009, there were 31.29 physicians and 19.71 nurses per 10,000 inhabitants in Lebanon.
In 2009, there were around 150,000 Armenians in Lebanon, which was approximately 5% of the population.
In January 2010, the Ministry of Tourism announced that 1,851,081 tourists had visited Lebanon in 2009, a 39% increase from 2008.
In November 2010, Al-Akhbar newspaper leaked a report stating that Hezbollah had drafted plans for a violent takeover of the country if the Special Tribunal for Lebanon indicted its members.
In 2010, Palestinians were granted the same rights to work as other foreigners in the country.
In 2010, spending on healthcare accounted for 7.03% of Lebanon's GDP.
In 2010, the Environment Ministry set a 10-year plan to increase national forest coverage by 20%, equivalent to planting two million new trees annually.
In January 2011, the national unity government collapsed due to tensions over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, and Najib Mikati was designated Prime Minister.
Between 1975 and 2011, over 1.8 million people emigrated from Lebanon.
In 2011, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Japan were the three most popular origin countries of foreign tourists to Lebanon.
In 2011, the Christian population was stable compared to that of previous years, making up 34.35% of the population.
In 2011, the Lebanon Reforestation Initiative (LRI) was inaugurated, planting cedar, pine, wild almond, juniper, fir, oak, and other seedlings in ten regions around Lebanon.
In 2011, the life expectancy at birth in Lebanon was 72.59 years (70.48 years for males and 74.80 years for females).
In 2011, there were 236,643 subsidized admissions to hospitals in Lebanon, with 164,244 in private hospitals and 72,399 in public hospitals.
As of 2012, forests covered 13.4% of the Lebanese land area, facing constant threat from wildfires during the long, dry summer season.
In 2012, it was reported that an influx of Japanese tourists had caused a rise in popularity of Japanese cuisine in Lebanon.
In 2012, the Syrian civil war began to spill over into Lebanon, causing sectarian violence.
Since 2012, with the emergence of the Lebanon Water Festival NGO, more emphasis has been placed on water sports in Lebanon, and the country has been pushed forward as a water sport destination internationally.
Tourist arrivals fell by 37% for the first 10 months of 2012, a decline caused by the war in neighbouring Syria.
On May 10, 2013, the Lebanese minister of energy and water clarified that seismic images of the Lebanese sea bed are undergoing detailed explanation of their contents and that up till now, approximately 10% have been covered.
According to a 2013 estimate by the United Nations, there were over 1.25 million Syrian refugees.
According to the World Economic Forum's 2013 Global Information Technology Report, Lebanon was ranked as the fourth best country globally for math and science education, and tenth overall for quality of education. The country was also ranked 13th worldwide in quality of management schools.
In 2013, Lebanon was rated "Partly Free" by Freedom House, which still ranked it among the most democratic nations in the Arab world.
In 2013, several Lebanese parties voiced concerns that the country's sectarian-based political system was being undermined by the influx of Syrian refugees.
In 2013, the Lebanon national rugby league team narrowly missed qualification for the Rugby League World Cup.
In 2013, the first gender and sexuality conference held annually in Lebanon.
Lebanon was without a President starting May 2014.
On 5 November 2014, the Lebanese parliament extended its own term for a second time amid protests, violating the Lebanese constitution.
In late 2014, the number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon reached 1,000,000 according to UNHCR.
The World Values Survey of 2014 put the percentage of atheists in Lebanon at 3.3%.
On 6 May 2015, UNHCR suspended the registration of Syrian refugees at the request of the Lebanese government.
In July 2015, residents forced the closure of the al-Naameh dumpsite, which had exceeded its capacity by 13 million tons, leading to a garbage crisis in Mount Lebanon and Beirut.
In December 2015, the Lebanese government signed an agreement with Chinook Industrial Mining and Howa International to export over 100,000 tons of untreated waste from Beirut and the surrounding area at a cost of $212 per ton.
In February 2016, the Lebanese government signed the Lebanon Compact, securing support for refugees and vulnerable Lebanese citizens.
In February 2016, the Lebanese government withdrew from negotiations to export trash after discovering that documents relating to the export of trash to Russia were forgeries.
On 19 March 2016, the Cabinet reopened the Naameh landfill for 60 days as part of a plan to end the trash crisis, also stipulating the establishment of landfills in Bourj Hammoud and Costa Brava.
As of October 2016, the Lebanese government estimated that the country was hosting 1.5 million Syrians.
Lebanon was without a President between May 2014 and October 2016.
As of 2016, forests covered 13.6% of Lebanon, with other wooded lands representing a further 11%.
According to the Ministry of Public Health in Lebanon, the top 10 leading causes of reported hospital deaths in 2017 included malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung, acute myocardial infarction, and pneumonia, among others.
As of 2017, between 174,000 and 450,000 Palestinian refugees live in Lebanon with about half in refugee camps.
In 2017, Human Rights Watch found that Lebanon's garbage crisis, particularly open burning of waste, posed a health risk to residents and violated international law.
In 2017, the Lebanon national rugby league team qualified for the World Cup, reaching the quarter-finals and narrowly losing to Tonga.
Nationwide elections were finally scheduled for May 2018.
In September 2018, Lebanon's parliament passed a law that banned open dumping and burning of waste, though violations continued.
In October 2018, Human Rights Watch researchers witnessed the open burning of dumps in al-Qantara and Qabrikha.
In 2018, the General Security Forces shut down a gender and sexuality conference in Lebanon and indefinitely denied non-Lebanese LGBT activists, who attended the conference, permission to re-enter the country.
Since 2018, Lebanon's GDP has shrunk by 40% as of 2023.
As of August 2019, the Lebanese cabinet included two ministers directly affiliated with Hezbollah, along with a close but officially non-member minister.
On 17 October 2019, mass civil demonstrations erupted in Lebanon, initially triggered by planned taxes but expanding into broader condemnation of sectarian rule and economic issues.
On 19 December 2019, Hassan Diab was designated the next prime minister, tasked with forming a new cabinet.
According to a 2019 survey by the Pew Research Center, 85% of Lebanese respondents believe that homosexuality should not be accepted by society.
By 2019, Lebanon faced an unsustainable financial situation due to insufficient new deposits, leading to bank closures and capital controls.
In 2019, Lebanon had a Forest Landscape Integrity Index mean score of 3.76/10, ranking it 141st globally out of 172 countries.
In 2019, Lebanon was ranked 88th in the Global Innovation Index.
In 2019, a gender and sexuality conference was moved abroad after a religious group called for the organizers' arrest and the cancellation of the conference for "inciting immorality."
On 4 August 2020, a massive explosion at the port of Beirut killed over 200 people and injured thousands. On 10 August 2020, Prime Minister Hassan Diab and his cabinet resigned.
As of 2020, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik was ranked in the #600s worldwide.
In 2020, Lebanon defaulted due to an unsustainable financial situation.
In 2020, the agricultural sector in Lebanon employed 20–25% of the total workforce, contributing 3.1% to the country's GDP.
The 2020 Beirut explosion, coupled with corruption and the Lebanese liquidity crisis, precipitated the collapse of Lebanon's currency and fomented political instability.
The CIA World Factbook estimates (2020) the religious demographics as: Muslim 67.8%, Christian 32.4%, and Druze 4.5%.
On 11 March 2021, the caretaker minister of energy warned that Lebanon was threatened with "total darkness" at the end of March if no money was secured to buy fuel.
In August 2021, a large fuel explosion in northern Lebanon killed 28 people.
On 9 October 2021, the entire nation lost power for 24 hours due to fuel shortages. Days later, sectarian violence erupted in Beirut.
As of 2021, Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU) was ranked #701.
In 2021, Lebanon had an estimated population of 5,592,631, with the number of Lebanese nationals estimated at 4,680,212 in July.
In 2021, demonstrations continued with Lebanese blocking roads in protest against poverty and the economic crisis.
In 2021, the Lebanon national rugby league team participated in the Rugby League World Cup and lost their quarterfinal match against Australia.
By January 2022, BBC News reported that the crisis in Lebanon had deepened, with the Lebanese pound plummeting and a scheduled general election expected to be delayed indefinitely.
In April 2022, 6 people died and around 50 people were rescued after an overloaded boat sunk in Tripoli, highlighting the severity of Lebanon's crisis.
In May 2022, Lebanon held its first election since a painful economic crisis. Hezbollah and its allies lost their parliamentary majority.
The most recent parliamentary elections were held on 15 May 2022.
As of 2022, the American University of Beirut was ranked #2 in the Middle East and #226 worldwide.
On 1 February 2023, the central bank of Lebanon devalued the Lebanese pound by 90% amid the ongoing financial crisis, marking the first official devaluation in 25 years.
According to the V-Dem Democracy indices, Lebanon is the second most electoral democratic country in the Middle East in 2023.
As of 2023, Lebanon's GDP has shrunk by 40% since 2018, with the currency depreciating by 95% and annual inflation exceeding 200%.
In September 2024, the Israel-Hezbollah conflict escalated significantly after the Israeli explosion of Lebanese pagers and walkie talkies. The 23 September 2024, Israeli airstrikes on Lebanon resulted in at least 558 deaths, leading to a mass exodus from southern Lebanon. On 27 September 2024, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli airstrike.
On 1 October 2024, Israel invaded Lebanon with the goal of destroying Hezbollah's infrastructure in the southern part of the country.
In November 2024, a ceasefire agreement was signed between Israel and Hezbollah to end 13 months of conflict, stipulating Hezbollah's withdrawal from southern Lebanon and Israeli forces' withdrawal from the area within 60 days.
In December 2024, the fall of Assad's Baathist regime in Syria marked the start of a new chapter in Lebanese politics, further weakening Hezbollah.
In 2024, Lebanon was ranked 94th in the Global Innovation Index.
In January 2025, Joseph Aoun, the Lebanese army commander, was elected as the 14th president of Lebanon, filling a two-year vacancy.
In February 2025, Prime Minister Nawaf Salam, the former president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), formed a new government of 24 ministers after a two-year caretaker cabinet.
In 2025, Storm Adam, a severe polar weather system, impacted Lebanon, bringing low temperatures and snow to elevations as low as 300 meters above sea level.