A success timeline featuring the most significant achievements of Susan Rice.
Susan Rice is an American diplomat and public official. A member of the Democratic Party, she has held several high-profile positions, including Director of the United States Domestic Policy Council (2021-2023), U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (2009-2013), and U.S. National Security Advisor (2013-2017).
In 1986, Susan Rice graduated with honors from Stanford University with a BA in history. She won a Truman Scholarship and was elected Phi Beta Kappa.
In 2000, Rice played a major role in peace negotiations between Ethiopia and Eritrea during the Eritrean–Ethiopian War, leading to the Algiers Agreement that ended the conflict, and was named a co-recipient of the Samuel Nelson Drew Memorial Award.
In 2002, Susan Rice was inducted into Stanford's Black Alumni Hall of Fame.
On March 17, 2011, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton played major roles in gaining approval for United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, with the UK, France, and Lebanon joining the U.S. in voting for it.
On June 5, 2013, Susan Rice was chosen to succeed Tom Donilon as National Security Advisor.
On July 1, 2013, Susan Rice was officially sworn in as the National Security Advisor.
In 2016, Susan Rice negotiated a new memorandum of understanding between the U.S. and Israel for $38 billion in military assistance, the largest such package in Israel's history.
In August 2017, Eli Lake reported that H. R. McMaster, Susan Rice's successor as national security advisor, concluded that Rice did nothing wrong regarding the unmasking of American citizens.
In 2017, President François Hollande named Susan Rice a commander of the Legion of Honour for her contributions to Franco-American relations.
In October 2020, John Bash's inquiry into unmasking during the Obama administration concluded with no findings of substantive wrongdoing.
In May 2022, John Bash's previously classified report on unmasking was released, finding no evidence of improper motivations during the 2016 election period or presidential transition.