Canada is a North American country, the second-largest in the world by area, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific and into the Arctic Ocean, boasting the world's longest coastline and land border with the United States. Characterized by diverse geographic and meteorological regions, Canada has a population of over 41 million. Population density varies greatly, with most Canadians living in urban areas. Ottawa is the capital city, and the largest metropolitan areas include Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.
In 1905, Alberta and Saskatchewan became provinces of Canada.
In 1908, L. M. Montgomery produced Anne of Green Gables, the first in a series of children's novels.
In 1914, Britain's declaration of war automatically brought Canada into the First World War.
In 1917, the Conscription Crisis erupted due to objections from French-speaking Quebecers to augmenting the military with conscription.
In 1919, Canada joined the League of Nations independently of Britain.
In 1920, the Group of Seven was founded, aiming to capture the Canadian wilderness in their artwork.
The 2021 census indicated that 8.3 million people, or almost one-quarter (23.0 percent) of the population, reported themselves as being or having been a landed immigrant or permanent resident in Canada—above the 1921 census previous record of 22.3 percent.
In 1934, the financial crisis led the Dominion of Newfoundland to relinquish responsible government and become a Crown colony.
On September 10, 1939, Canada, under King George VI, declared war with Germany, seven days after the United Kingdom, underscoring Canada's independence.
In December 1939, the first Canadian Army units arrived in Britain during the Second World War.
In 1942, Canadian troops played an important role in the failed Dieppe Raid.
In 1944, Canadian troops participated in the Battle of the Scheldt.
In 1944, despite another Conscription Crisis in Quebec, Canada finished the war with a large army and strong economy.
In 1945, Canada was a founding member of the United Nations (UN).
In 1948, Canada ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
Since 1948, Canada's annual average temperature over land has risen by 1.7 °C (3.1 °F).
In 1949, Newfoundlanders voted to join Canada as a province.
In 1958, Canada formed the North American Aerospace Defense Command together with the United States.
In 1961, about 300,000 people, less than two percent of Canada's population, were members of visible minority groups.
In 1962, Canada launched its first satellite, Alouette 1.
In 1965, Canada adopted the maple leaf flag.
In 1969, Canada implemented official bilingualism (English and French).
In 1970, the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) ignited the October Crisis with bombings and kidnappings.
In 1971, Canada instituted official multiculturalism.
Quebec's 1974 Official Language Act established French as the only official language of the province.
Canada hosted the 1976 Summer Olympics.
In 1976, the sovereigntist Parti Québécois was elected in Quebec.
In 1980, "O Canada" was adopted as Canada's official national anthem.
In 1980, an unsuccessful referendum on sovereignty-association was organized in Quebec.
In 1982, Section 35 of the Constitution Act reaffirmed Aboriginal law and the rights they support, including provision of services, such as healthcare through the Indian Health Transfer Policy, and exemption from taxation.
In 1982, the Canada Act brought the Constitution of Canada fully under Canadian control, and the name of the national holiday was changed from Dominion Day to Canada Day.
In 1982, the Canada Act patriated Canada's constitution from the United Kingdom and created the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Healthcare in Canada is guided by the provisions of the Canada Health Act of 1984.
In 1985, Air India Flight 182 exploded, marking the largest mass murder in Canadian history.
Canada hosted the 1988 Winter Olympics.
In 1988, the Canada – United States Free Trade Agreement (FTA) eliminated tariffs between the two countries.
In 1989, Canada was a founding member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC).
In 1989, the École Polytechnique massacre occurred, a university shooting targeting female students.
Between 1990 and 2022, Canada's greenhouse gas emissions increased by 16.5 percent.
In 1990, Canada joined the Organization of American States (OAS).
In 1990, attempts to accommodate Quebec nationalism constitutionally through the Meech Lake Accord failed.
In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) expanded the free-trade zone to include Mexico.
In 1995, a second referendum was held in Quebec, in which sovereignty was rejected by a slim margin.
In 1997, the Canadian government stopped funding the Canadian Indian residential schools.
In 1997, the Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession by a province would be unconstitutional, and the Clarity Act was passed by Parliament.
In 1999, Nunavut became Canada's third territory.
In 2001, Canada sent troops to Afghanistan.
In 2003, Canada was reluctant to participate in military operations that were not sanctioned by the United Nations, such as the invasion of Iraq.
In 2008, a period of redress began with the formation of a reconciliation commission by the Government of Canada.
Canada hosted the 2010 Winter Olympics.
Between 2011 and 2016, the visible minority population rose by 18.4 percent.
Canada hosted the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup, the 2015 Pan American Games, and the 2015 Parapan American Games.
In 2015, Canada was a well-performing OECD country in reading literacy, mathematics, and science.
A 2016 report by the chief public health officer found that 88 percent of Canadians indicated that they "had good or very good health".
As of 2016, just over 60,000 children are homeschooled in Canada.
Between 2011 and 2016, the visible minority population rose by 18.4 percent.
From 2016 to 2021, the Indigenous population grew by 9.4 percent compared to the non-Indigenous population, which grew by 5.3 percent.
The population in 2016 was used for comparison in the 2021 census.
In 2017, Canada celebrated its sesquicentennial.
Since 2017, Richard Wagner has served as the Chief Justice of Canada.
In 2018, Canada had a trade deficit in goods of $22 billion and a trade deficit in services of $25 billion.
On January 27, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic began in Canada, leading to widespread social and economic disruption.
In 2020, Canada spent approximately $41.9 billion on domestic research and development.
According to the 2021 census, Christianity is the largest religion in Canada.
As of the 2021 census, just over 7.8 million Canadians listed a non-official language as their first language.
In 2021, Canadian healthcare spending reached $308 billion, accounting for 12.7 percent of Canada's GDP.
In 2021, Canadian trade in goods and services reached $2.016 trillion.
In 2021, the average age in Canada was 41.9 years.
In 2021, the country's ten largest self-reported ethnic or cultural origins were Canadian, followed by English, Irish, Scottish, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Indian, and Ukrainian.
In 2021, the possible graves of hundreds of Indigenous people were discovered near the former sites of Canadian Indian residential schools.
In the 2021 election, five parties had representatives elected to the Parliament.
The 2021 census indicated that 8.3 million people, or almost one-quarter (23.0 percent) of the population, reported themselves as being or having been a landed immigrant or permanent resident in Canada.
According to a 2022 report, Canada ranks first worldwide in the percentage of adults having tertiary education, with over 56 percent having attained at least an undergraduate degree.
Canada resettled more than 47,600 refugees in 2022.
In 2022, Canada's greenhouse gas emissions had increased by 16.5 percent since 1990.
In 2022, Canada's military expenditure totalled approximately $26.9 billion, or around 1.2 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP), placing it 14th for military expenditure by country.
In 2022, Canada's per-capita spending on health expenditures ranked 12th among OECD health-care systems.
In 2022, supplementary estimates for research and development spending were at $43.2 billion.
As of 2023, Canada has the world's ninth-largest economy.
As of 2023, Canada is a signatory to 15 free trade agreements with 51 different countries.
As of 2023, the country has produced 15 Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry, and medicine.
In 2023, Canada ranked low in the Corruption Perceptions Index (14th).
In 2023, the most commonly reported sport by Canadians was swimming (35%).
It is estimated that Canada's population surpassed 40,000,000 in 2023.
In 2024, Canada ranked high in the Global Competitiveness Report (19th).