NATO is a military alliance established in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty, comprising 32 member states from Europe and North America. It operates as a collective security system where members pledge to defend each other against external attacks. Initially formed to counter the Soviet Union during the Cold War, NATO persisted after the USSR's dissolution and has engaged in military operations in various regions like the Balkans, Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. Its strategic concepts emphasize deterrence, and its motto is animus in consulendo liber.
In 1941, the United States and United Kingdom signed the Atlantic Charter, which laid out a framework for international cooperation without territorial expansion after World War II, and served as roots for NATO.
In February 1948, a coup d'état in Czechoslovakia influenced talks for a wider military alliance, including North America, promoting international solidarity against actions seen as communist aggression.
In March 1948, the Treaty of Brussels expanded the alliance to include the Benelux countries, forming the Brussels Treaty Organization, commonly known as the Western Union.
On 4 April 1949, NATO was established by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty (Washington Treaty). The 12 founding members of the alliance were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
On April 4, 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington, D.C., establishing NATO as a collective security system where member states agree to defend each other against attacks by third parties.
In 1951, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) was formed, adopting many of the Western Union's military structures and plans.
In May 1955, West Germany joined NATO, leading to the creation of the Soviet-dominated Warsaw Pact.
In 1961, the building of the Berlin Wall marked a height in Cold War tensions, with 400,000 US troops stationed in Europe.
In 1966, France withdrew from NATO's military structure, leading to the development of the independent French nuclear deterrent.
Article 42(7) of the 1982 Treaty of Lisbon specifies that "If a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power".
In 1982, Spain became a member of NATO, marking a significant addition to the alliance's southern flank.
The Revolutions of 1989 in Europe led to a strategic re-evaluation of NATO's purpose, nature, tasks, and focus on the continent.
In October 1990, East Germany became part of the Federal Republic of Germany and the alliance.
In November 1990, the alliance signed the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) in Paris with the Soviet Union, mandating specific military reductions across the continent.
In 1990, Operation Anchor Guard was prompted by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, where Airborne early warning aircraft were sent to provide coverage of southeastern Turkey.
In 1990, political dialogue with Japan began, marking the start of increased contact with countries outside of NATO's formal cooperation initiatives.
In 1990, with the reunification of Germany, the territory of the former East Germany was added to NATO.
In February 1991, the collapse of the Warsaw Pact removed the de facto main adversaries of NATO.
In 1991, Operation Ace Guard was prompted by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, where a quick-reaction force was deployed to the area.
On 9 October 1992, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 816, authorizing its member-states to enforce a previously declared no-fly zone under the United Nations Protection Force over central Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In 1992, NATO conducted its first military interventions in Bosnia during the breakup of Yugoslavia.
On 12 April 1993, NATO complied with UN Security Council Resolution 816 and started enforcing the ban with Operation Deny Flight.
From June 1993, Operation Sharp Guard added maritime enforcement of the arms embargo and economic sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
On 28 February 1994, NATO took its first wartime action by shooting down four Bosnian Serb aircraft violating the no-fly zone.
In April 1994, the United Nations Protection Force called in air strikes to protect the Goražde safe area, resulting in the bombing of a Bosnian Serb military command outpost and Serbs taking 150 U.N. personnel hostage on April 14. On 16 April a British Sea Harrier was shot down over Goražde by Serb forces.
In 1994, diplomatic forums for regional cooperation between NATO and its neighbours were set up during this post-Cold War period, including the Partnership for Peace and the Mediterranean Dialogue initiative.
In 1994, the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme was established, based on individual bilateral relations between each partner country and NATO.
In August 1995, a two-week NATO bombing campaign, Operation Deliberate Force, began against the Army of the Republika Srpska, after the Srebrenica genocide.
In November 1995, further NATO air strikes helped bring the Yugoslav Wars to an end, resulting in the Dayton Agreement.
From 1992 to 1995, NATO conducted military interventions in Bosnia during the breakup of Yugoslavia.
Operation Sharp Guard, which began in June 1993 and added maritime enforcement of the arms embargo and economic sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, ended in October 1996.
In December 1996, IFOR transitioned into the smaller SFOR, which started with 32,000 troops initially.
On May 29, 1997, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) was first established as a forum for regular coordination, consultation, and dialogue between all fifty participants.
In 1997, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council was established as a diplomatic forum for regional cooperation between NATO and its neighbours.
On 23 September 1998, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1199 to demand a ceasefire in Kosovo.
In 1998, NATO established a set of general guidelines that do not allow for a formal institutionalization of relations, but reflect the Allies' desire to increase cooperation.
In 1998, the NATO–Russia Permanent Joint Council was established as a diplomatic forum for regional cooperation between NATO and its neighbours.
In March 1999, negotiations broke down and the matter was handed to NATO, which started a 78-day bombing campaign on 24 March 1999 with Operation Allied Force, and deployed the ACE Mobile Force (Land) to Albania as the Albania Force (AFOR) to deliver humanitarian aid to refugees from Kosovo.
In April 1999, NATO adopted the Alliance Strategic Concept during its Washington summit, emphasizing conflict prevention and crisis management in the post-Cold War military environment.
In 1999, Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic officially joined NATO at the Washington summit, and NATO issued new guidelines for membership with individualized "Membership Action Plans".
In 1999, NATO conducted military interventions in Yugoslavia.
Following extensive debate, the term "Contact Countries" was agreed by the Allies in 2000, reflecting the desire to increase cooperation with countries outside formal initiatives.
In August–September 2001, NATO mounted Operation Essential Harvest, a mission focused on disarming ethnic Albanian militias in the Republic of Macedonia.
On 4 October 2001, NATO confirmed the invocation of Article 5 of the NATO Charter in response to the September 11 attacks in the United States, marking the first time in the organization's history that the article, stating that an attack on one member is an attack on all, was invoked. Additionally, on 4 October 2001, Operation Active Endeavour began as one of the eight official actions taken by NATO in response to the attacks.
On December 16, 2002, the European Union (EU) signed a comprehensive package of arrangements with NATO under the Berlin Plus agreement, allowing the EU to use NATO assets under certain conditions.
In 2002, Ukraine's relationship with NATO began with the NATO-Ukraine Action Plan, aimed at deepening cooperation and potential future membership.
On 16 April 2003, NATO agreed to take command of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. This decision marked the first time in NATO's history that it took charge of a mission outside the north Atlantic area.
In October 2003, the UN Security Council authorized the expansion of the ISAF mission throughout Afghanistan, leading ISAF to subsequently expand its mission in four main stages across the country.
In December 2004, SFOR operations were then passed onto the European Union Force Althea.
In 2004, the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative was announced as a dialogue forum for the Middle East along the same lines as the Mediterranean Dialogue.
On 31 July 2006, the ISAF took over military operations in the south of Afghanistan from a US-led anti-terrorism coalition, increasing NATO's involvement in the region.
A 2006 study in the journal Security Studies argued that NATO enlargement contributed to democratic consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe.
Since 2006, the goal has been for each NATO country to spend at least 2 percent of its gross domestic product on its own defense.
The election of French president Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007 led to a major reform of France's military position.
During the 2008 summit in Bucharest, Georgia was promised "future membership" in NATO, but no specific timeline was established.
In 2008, the United Nations Secretary-General called on member-states to protect the ships of Operation Allied Provider, which was distributing aid as part of the World Food Programme mission in Somalia.
On April 4, 2009, France returned to full membership in NATO, including rejoining the NATO Military Command Structure, while maintaining an independent nuclear deterrent.
Beginning on 17 August 2009, NATO deployed warships in an operation to protect maritime traffic in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean from Somali pirates and help strengthen the navies and coast guards of regional states.
In 2009, Albania and Croatia became members of NATO, further expanding the alliance in the Balkans.
In 2009, Nicolas Sarkozy negotiated the return of France to the integrated military command and the Defence Planning Committee.
In 2010, under President Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine reaffirmed its non-aligned status and renounced aspirations of joining NATO.
On 17 March 2011, violence in Libya led to the passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, which called for a ceasefire and authorized military action to protect civilians.
On 20 March 2011, NATO states agreed on enforcing an arms embargo against Libya with Operation Unified Protector, using ships from NATO Standing Maritime Group 1 and Standing Mine Countermeasures Group 1, along with additional ships and submarines from NATO members, to monitor, report, and interdict vessels suspected of carrying illegal arms or mercenaries.
On 24 March, NATO agreed to take control of the no-fly zone from the initial coalition in Libya, while command of targeting ground units remained with the coalition's forces. NATO began officially enforcing the UN resolution on 27 March 2011 with assistance from Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
By the end of the mission in October 2011, after the death of Colonel Gaddafi, NATO planes had flown about 9,500 strike sorties against pro-Gaddafi targets.
On 17 December 2011, the NATO Training Mission-Iraq (NTM-I) officially concluded, marking the end of NATO's training and mentoring activities in the country.
In 2011 France reinforced the alliance's efforts in Afghanistan by allowing a squadron of Mirage 2000 fighter/attack aircraft to be moved into the area, to Kandahar.
In April 2012, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan considered invoking Article 5 of the NATO treaty to protect Turkish national security in a dispute over the Syrian civil war.
A report from Human Rights Watch in May 2012 identified at least 72 civilians killed in the NATO campaign in Libya.
In June 2012 Syria shot down a Turkish military jet. After this and Syrian forces shelling Turkish cities in October 2012 resulting in two Article 4 consultations, NATO approved Operation Active Fence.
In October 2012, Syrian forces shelled Turkish cities resulting in two Article 4 consultations. After this and the shooting down of a Turkish military jet by Syria in June 2012, NATO approved Operation Active Fence.
By 2012, NATO had broadened its group of "Contact Countries", which meet to discuss issues such as counter-piracy and technology exchange, under the names "global partners" or "partners across the globe".
During its 2012 Chicago Summit, NATO endorsed a plan to end the Afghanistan war and to remove the NATO-led ISAF Forces by the end of December 2014.
Following a coup d'état attempt in October 2013, Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan requested technical advice and trainers from NATO to assist with ongoing security issues.
In December 2014, Ukraine's parliament voted to end its non-aligned status following the Russian occupation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine.
In December 2014, the NATO-led ISAF was disestablished in Afghanistan and replaced by the follow-on training Resolute Support Mission, marking a shift in the nature of NATO's engagement in the country.
In 2014, US president Barack Obama said that Georgia was not "currently on a path" to NATO membership, despite previous promises.
In 2014, a NATO declaration stated that countries not meeting the goal of spending at least 2 percent of their GDP on defense would "aim to move towards the 2 percent guideline within a decade".
In 2014, the Russian annexation of Crimea led to strong condemnation by all NATO members, and was one of the seven times that Article 4 has been invoked and at the Wales summit, the leaders of NATO's member states formally committed for the first time to spend the equivalent of at least two percent of their gross domestic products on defense by 2024.
From 1990 to 2015, military spending by NATO's European members declined by 28 percent.
In response to the 2015 Suruç bombing, which Turkey attributed to ISIS, and other security issues along its southern border, Turkey called for an emergency meeting of NATO.
In 2017, Montenegro joined NATO, marking a further expansion of the alliance in the Balkan region.
In 2017, a Pew Research Center report indicated that 65 percent of Poles surveyed identified Russia as a "major threat", highlighting regional tensions.
In January 2018, Qatar and NATO signed a joint security agreement, enhancing cooperation despite Qatar not being eligible for membership.
In June 2018, Qatar expressed a wish to join NATO, but it was ruled out because only additional European countries could join according to Article 10 of NATO's founding treaty.
In 2018, a survey found that 67 percent of Poles surveyed favour US forces being based in Poland, reflecting concerns about Russian aggression.
In 2019, Ukraine enshrined the goal of NATO membership in its Constitution, solidifying its aspirations to join the alliance.
In February 2020, an Article 4 consultation happened as part of increasing tensions due to the Northwestern Syria offensive, which involved Syrian and suspected Russian airstrikes on Turkish troops, and risked direct confrontation between Russia and a NATO member.
In 2020, North Macedonia became a member of NATO, completing its long journey towards Euro-Atlantic integration.
On 14 April 2021, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that the alliance had agreed to start withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan by 1 May, signaling a significant shift in the international presence in the country.
At the June 2021 Brussels Summit, NATO leaders affirmed that Ukraine would eventually join the Alliance and supported Ukraine's right to self-determination without interference.
By 15 August 2021, as NATO troops withdrew from Afghanistan, Taliban militants controlled the vast majority of the country and had encircled the capital city of Kabul.
In March 2022, NATO leaders met at Brussels for an extraordinary summit which also involved Group of Seven and European Union leaders and agreed to establish four additional battlegroups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia.
As of June 2022, NATO had deployed 40,000 troops along its Eastern flank to deter Russian aggression.
In July 2022, NATO estimated that 11 members would meet the target of spending at least 2% of their gross domestic product on defense in 2023.
As of 2022, the combined military spending of all NATO members constituted around 55 percent of the global nominal total.
In 2023-2024, the United States and Germany were the biggest contributors to NATO's common funds, each providing 16.2% of the total.
In July 2022, NATO estimated that 11 members would meet the target of spending at least 2% of their gross domestic product on defense in 2023.
On February 14, 2024, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that 18 member states would meet the 2% defense spending target in 2024.
On March 7, 2024, Sweden joined NATO, marking the most recent expansion of the alliance.
On June 17, 2024, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that a record 23 of 32 NATO member states were meeting their defense spending targets of 2% of their country's GDP.
By 2024, NATO members formally committed to spend at least two percent of their gross domestic products on defence.
By 2024, NATO members have agreed to reach or maintain the target defense spending of at least two percent of their GDP.
In 2023-2024, the United States and Germany were the biggest contributors to NATO's common funds, each providing 16.2% of the total.
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