History of Osama bin Laden in Timeline

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Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden, a Saudi Arabian-born founder and leader of al-Qaeda, was a key figure in the rise of radical Islamic terrorism. He fought against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and later opposed the United States' foreign policy in the Middle East. Bin Laden declared war on the U.S. in 1996 and masterminded numerous attacks, most notably the September 11 attacks in 2001. His actions led to the U.S.-led War on Terror, significantly reshaping global geopolitics and security measures.

March 1957: Osama bin Laden's Birth

In March 1957, Osama bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia. He would later become the founder and leader of al-Qaeda.

1967: Death of Mohammed bin Laden

In 1967, Osama bin Laden's father, Mohammed bin Laden, died in an airplane crash in Saudi Arabia.

1968: Attended Al-Thager Model School

From 1968, Osama bin Laden attended the elite Al-Thager Model School.

1971: Attended English-language Course in Oxford

In 1971, Osama bin Laden attended an English-language course in Oxford, England.

1974: Married Najwa Ghanem

In 1974, at age 17, Osama bin Laden married Najwa Ghanem in Latakia, Syria.

1976: Finished Attending Al-Thager Model School

Until 1976, Osama bin Laden attended the elite Al-Thager Model School.

1979: Joined the Mujahideen in Afghanistan

In 1979, Osama bin Laden joined the mujahideen fighting against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

1979: Bin Laden joins Mujahideen resistance in Soviet-Afghan War

In 1979, after leaving college, Osama bin Laden went to Pakistan and joined Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, using his own construction company's resources to aid the Mujahideen resistance in the Soviet-Afghan War.

1979: Possible Graduation with Degree in Civil Engineering

In 1979, some reports suggest Osama bin Laden earned a degree in civil engineering.

1980: Bin Laden acts as liaison between Saudi intelligence and Afghan warlords

Beginning in early 1980, Osama bin Laden acted as a liaison between the Saudi General Intelligence Presidency (GIP) and Afghan warlords.

1981: Possible Graduation with Degree in Public Administration

In 1981, some reports suggest Osama bin Laden earned a degree in public administration.

1982: 1982 Lebanon War

Bin Laden said he was inspired to destroy the World Trade Center after watching the destruction of towers in Lebanon by Israel during the 1982 Lebanon War.

1982: Israeli Invasion of Lebanon

Bin Laden stated that the events of 1982, specifically when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, influenced his decision to punish the unjust by destroying towers in America.

1983: Married Khadijah Sharif

In 1983, Osama bin Laden married Khadijah Sharif.

1984: Bin Laden and Azzam establish Maktab al-Khidamat

In 1984, Osama bin Laden and Azzam established Maktab al-Khidamat, which funneled money, arms, and fighters from around the Arab world into Afghanistan.

1984: Co-founded Maktab al-Khidamat

In 1984, Osama bin Laden co-founded Maktab al-Khidamat, an organization focused on recruiting foreign mujahideen for the war in Afghanistan.

1985: Married Khairiah Sabar

In 1985, Osama bin Laden married Khairiah Sabar.

1986: Bin Laden sets up base in eastern Afghanistan

Between 1986 and 1987, Osama bin Laden set up a base in eastern Afghanistan for several dozen of his own Arab soldiers.

1987: Married Siham Sabar

In 1987, Osama bin Laden married Siham Sabar.

1987: Bin Laden participates in the Battle of Jaji

In 1987, Osama bin Laden participated in some combat activity against the Soviets, such as the Battle of Jaji. It was during this time that he became idolized by many Arabs.

May 1988: Massacre of Shias in Gilgit, Pakistan

In May 1988, large numbers of Shias from in and around Gilgit, Pakistan were killed in a massacre. It is alleged that Osama bin Laden led an armed group of Sunni tribals to suppress a revolt by the Shias.

August 1988: Meeting to form al-Qaeda

On August 11, 1988, a meeting between senior leaders of Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), Azzam, and Bin Laden led to an agreement to join Bin Laden's money with the expertise of the EIJ and take up the jihadist cause elsewhere after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan.

August 1988: Al-Qaeda formally established

On August 20, 1988, notes from a meeting indicate that al-Qaeda was a formal group. One of the main points leading to the split and the creation of al-Qaeda was Azzam's insistence that Arab fighters be integrated among the Afghan fighting groups instead of forming a separate fighting force.

1988: Founded al-Qaeda

In 1988, Osama bin Laden founded al-Qaeda, an organization aimed at conducting worldwide jihad.

1988: Death of Salem bin Laden

In 1988, Osama bin Laden's eldest half-brother, Salem bin Laden, was killed in an airplane accident near San Antonio, Texas.

February 1989: Bin Laden returns to Saudi Arabia as a hero of jihad

In February 1989, following the Soviet Union's withdrawal from Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia as a hero of jihad.

March 1989: Bin Laden leads foreign fighters in Battle of Jalalabad

In March 1989, Osama bin Laden led 800 Arab foreign fighters during the unsuccessful Battle of Jalalabad.

August 1990: Bin Laden offers to defend Saudi Arabia with his Arab legion

In August 1990, after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Osama bin Laden met with King Fahd and offered to defend Saudi Arabia with his Arab legion, advising against dependence on non-Muslim assistance from the U.S.

November 1990: FBI discovers al-Qaeda terrorist plans in New Jersey home

On November 8, 1990, the FBI raided the New Jersey home of El Sayyid Nosair, an associate of al-Qaeda operative Ali Mohamed, discovering copious evidence of terrorist plots.

1990: Bin Laden funds Afghan coup attempt

In 1990, Osama bin Laden funded the Afghan coup d'état attempt led by hardcore communist General Shahnawaz Tanai.

1991: Bin Laden expelled from Saudi Arabia

In 1991, Osama bin Laden was expelled from Saudi Arabia by its government after repeatedly criticizing the Saudi alliance with the United States.

1991: Expulsion from Saudi Arabia

In 1991, Osama bin Laden was expelled from Saudi Arabia due to his views on pan-Islamism and anti-Americanism.

1991: Bin Laden put under house arrest for criticizing Saudi monarchy

In 1991, Osama bin Laden's continued criticism of the Saudi monarchy led them to put him under house arrest, under which he remained until he was ultimately forced to leave the country.

April 1992: Bin Laden attempts to mediate in Afghanistan civil war

In March–April 1992, Osama bin Laden tried to play a pacifying role in the escalating civil war in Afghanistan, by urging warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar to join the other mujahideen leaders negotiating a coalition government instead of trying to conquer Kabul for himself.

December 1992: Bombing of the Gold Mihor Hotel in Aden

On December 29, 1992, the bombing of the Gold Mihor Hotel in Aden, in which two people were killed, is believed to be the first bombing attack involving Osama bin Laden.

1992: US, Saudi Arabia, and China end financial and weapons aid to Mujahideen

From 1979 to 1992, the U.S. (as part of CIA activities in Afghanistan, specifically Operation Cyclone), Saudi Arabia, and China provided between $6–12 billion worth of financial aid and weapons to tens of thousands of mujahideen through Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

1992: Al-Qaeda assists jihadis financially and militarily

In the 1990s, Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda assisted jihadis financially, and sometimes militarily, in Algeria, Egypt, and Afghanistan. In 1992 or 1993, Bin Laden sent an emissary, Qari el-Said, with $40,000 to Algeria to aid the Islamists and urge war rather than negotiation with the government.

1993: Nosair convicted in connection to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing

In 1993, Nosair was eventually convicted in connection to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and, years later, admitted guilt for the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane in New York City on 5 November 1990.

1993: Bin Laden and Assistant Granted Bosnian Citizenship

In 1993, it was reported that Bin Laden and his Tunisian assistant Mehrez Aodouni were granted citizenship and Bosnian passports by the government in Sarajevo. The Bosnian government initially denied this information.

1993: Al-Qaeda assists jihadis financially and militarily

In the 1990s, Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda assisted jihadis financially, and sometimes militarily, in Algeria, Egypt, and Afghanistan. In 1992 or 1993, Bin Laden sent an emissary, Qari el-Said, with $40,000 to Algeria to aid the Islamists and urge war rather than negotiation with the government.

March 1994: Killing of German Intelligence Agent in Libya

On 10 March 1994, Silvan Becker, agent of Germany's domestic intelligence service, and his wife Vera were killed in Libya.

1994: Bin Laden stripped of Saudi citizenship and stipend

In 1994, King Fahd stripped Osama bin Laden of his Saudi citizenship and persuaded his family to cut off his $7 million a year stipend.

1994: Bin Laden Runs Terror Network in Albania

In 1994, according to the head of Albania's State Intelligence Service, Bin Laden was running a terror network in Albania to take part in the Kosovo War under the guise of a humanitarian organization.

1995: EIJ attempts to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak

In 1995, the EIJ, closely linked with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda, attempted to assassinate the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The attempt failed, and Sudan expelled the EIJ.

1995: Sudanese Officials Discuss Expelling Bin Laden

In late 1995, Sudanese officials discussed expelling Bin Laden with the Saudi government. The CIA prepared to apprehend him, but was denied authorization. The Saudis did not want Bin Laden, giving as their reason the revocation of his citizenship.

January 1996: CIA Launches Bin Laden Issue Station

In January 1996, the CIA launched the Bin Laden Issue Station, code-named "Alec Station", to track and carry out operations against his activities. U.S. intelligence monitored Bin Laden in Sudan, using operatives and signals intelligence.

February 1996: Sudan Offers to Expel Bin Laden to Saudi Arabia

In February 1996, Sudanese officials offered to expel Bin Laden to Saudi Arabia in secret meetings, asking the Saudis to pardon him. Saudi officials wanted Bin Laden expelled from Sudan but would not tolerate his presence in their country.

May 1996: Bin Laden Returns to Afghanistan

In May 1996, due to increasing pressure on Sudan, Bin Laden was permitted to leave for a country of his choice. He chose to return to Jalalabad, Afghanistan. The expulsion from Sudan weakened Bin Laden and his organization.

August 1996: Bin Laden Issues Fatwa Against Americans

In August 1996, Bin Laden issued a fatwā titled "Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places", published by Al-Quds Al-Arabi. The fatwa referred to U.S. forces based in Saudi Arabia for controlling air space in Iraq.

August 1996: Declared Holy War Against the U.S.

In August 1996, Osama bin Laden issued a fatwā declaring holy war against the United States.

1996: Bin Laden Declared War on the U.S.

In 1996, Osama bin Laden declared war on the United States due to his opposition to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. He advocated for attacks targeting US assets in various countries.

June 1997: Confessions of Ties to Bin Laden

In June 1997, The New York Times reported that those arrested for the bombing of the Al Khobar building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, confessed to serving with Bosnian Muslim forces and admitted to ties with Bin Laden.

November 1997: Bin Laden Allegedly Funds Luxor Massacre

In November 1997, it has been claimed that Bin Laden funded the Luxor massacre, which killed 62 civilians. Also in mid-1997, the Northern Alliance threatened to overrun Jalalabad, causing him to move his operations.

1997: Nasser al-Bahri Became Bodyguard

From 1997, Nasser al-Bahri was Osama bin Laden's personal bodyguard.

February 1998: Declared Holy War Against the U.S.

In February 1998, Osama bin Laden issued a fatwā declaring holy war against the United States.

February 1998: Bin Laden Issues Fatwa Against the U.S.

On February 1998, Bin Laden, alongside others, issued another fatwā against the U.S., calling upon Muslims to attack the country and its allies. It was entitled "Declaration of the World Islamic Front for Jihad against the Jews and the Crusaders".

March 1998: Libya Issues Arrest Warrant for Bin Laden

On 16 March 1998, Libya issued the first official Interpol arrest warrant against Bin Laden and three other people for killing Silvan Becker and his wife in Libya on 10 March 1994.

May 1998: Bin Laden claims Israel seeks to annex Arabian Peninsula and Middle East

In May 1998, Osama bin Laden claimed that the Israeli state's ultimate goal was to annex the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East into its territory and enslave its peoples, as part of what he called a "Greater Israel".

June 1998: Al-Qaeda Congress Organized

In June 1998, Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri organized an al-Qaeda congress.

June 1998: Bin Laden Indicted by U.S. Grand Jury

On 8 June 1998, Bin Laden was first indicted by a grand jury of the U.S. on charges of conspiracy to attack defense utilities of the U.S. and prosecutors further charged that Bin Laden was the head of the terrorist organization called al-Qaeda.

August 1998: U.S. Retaliates with Cruise Missile Strikes

In August 1998, in retaliation for the embassy bombings, U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered cruise missile strikes on Bin Laden-related targets in Sudan and Afghanistan.

August 1998: U.S. Launches Cruise Missiles at Bin Laden's Training Camps

On 20 August 1998, 66 cruise missiles launched by U.S. Navy ships in the Arabian Sea struck Bin Laden's training camps near Khost in Afghanistan, missing him by a few hours.

August 1998: U.S. Embassy Bombings in East Africa

On 7 August 1998, the U.S. embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya, were bombed, resulting in numerous deaths. The attacks were linked to al-Qaeda, bringing Osama bin Laden to the attention of the U.S. public.

November 1998: Bin Laden Indicted in New York for Embassy Attacks

On 4 November 1998, Bin Laden was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury in New York on charges related to the 1998 embassy attacks. The Taliban refused to extradite him due to insufficient evidence and the standing of non-Muslim courts.

December 1998: Bin Laden claims Israeli Jews control U.S. and UK governments

In December 1998, Osama bin Laden stated that Operation Desert Fox was proof that Israeli Jews controlled the governments of the U.S. and the United Kingdom, directing them to kill as many Muslims as they could.

December 1998: CIA Reports Al-Qaeda Preparing Attacks in U.S.

In December 1998, the CIA reported to Clinton that al-Qaeda was preparing for attacks in the U.S., including the training of personnel to hijack aircraft.

1998: Embassy Attacks

In 1998, Osama bin Laden was indicted along with others for capital crimes related to the embassy attacks.

1998: EIJ Members Arrested in Albania

In 1998, four members of EIJ were arrested in Albania and extradited to Egypt. The mujahideen fighters were organized by Islamic leaders in Western Europe allied to Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri.

1998: Indictment for the 1998 embassy attack

Osama bin Laden was among a group of 13 fugitive terrorists wanted for questioning about the 1998 attack.

June 1999: Bin Laden Added to FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List

In June 1999, Osama bin Laden became the 456th person added to the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list following his indictment for capital crimes related to the 1998 embassy attacks.

June 1999: Bin Laden Placed on FBI's Ten Most Wanted List

On 7 June 1999, the FBI placed Bin Laden on its Ten Most Wanted list.

October 15, 1999: UN Designates Al-Qaeda as a Terrorist Organization

On October 15, 1999, the United Nations designated al-Qaeda as a terrorist organization through UN Security Council Resolution 1267. This resolution aimed to impose sanctions on individuals and entities associated with al-Qaeda.

October 1999: United Nations Designated al-Qaeda as a Terrorist Organization

In October 1999, the United Nations designated al-Qaeda, founded by Osama bin Laden, as a terrorist organization.

December 1999: Arrest at Canada-U.S. Border Linked to Bin Laden

In December 1999, Ahmed Ressam was arrested at the Canada–United States border with bomb-making materials. Karim Said Atmani, who was identified as the document forger for a group of Algerians accused of plotting the bombings in the United States, was a former roommate of Ahmed Ressam. He was convicted of colluding with Bin Laden by a French court.

December 1999: Arrest in Jordan Linked to Plot to Blow Up Tourist Sites

In late December 1999, Khalil al-Deek was arrested in Jordan on suspicion of involvement in a plot to blow up tourist sites. A second man with Bosnian citizenship, Hamid Aich, lived in Canada at the same time as Atmani and worked for a charity associated with Bin Laden.

1999: CIA Plan to Capture or Kill Bin Laden Aborted

In 1999, a CIA plan, in collaboration with Pakistani military intelligence, to capture or kill Bin Laden in Afghanistan was aborted due to the 1999 Pakistani coup d'état.

1999: Milošević Claims Al-Qaeda Aided KLA

In 1999, during his trial at the International Criminal Tribunal, Slobodan Milošević claimed that al-Qaeda had a presence in the Balkans and aided the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), using Albania as a launchpad for violence. This allegedly led to the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

1999: Reports of Bin Laden's Bosnian Citizenship Surface

In 1999, the press reported that Bin Laden and his Tunisian assistant Mehrez Aodouni were granted citizenship and Bosnian passports in 1993. The Bosnian government denied this information following the September 11 attacks.

January 2000: Islamic Militants Plan Triple Attack

In January 2000, it was revealed that Islamic militants headed by Bin Laden had planned a triple attack, including bombings in Jordan and an attack on a target within the United States. The plan was foiled by arrests and other preventative measures.

2000: Married Amal al-Sadah

In 2000, Osama bin Laden married Amal al-Sadah.

2000: Differing Views on Clinton Administration's Focus on Bin Laden

In 2000, before the September 11 attacks, Paul Bremer characterized the Clinton administration as correctly focused on Bin Laden, while Robert Oakley criticized their obsession with Osama.

2000: Failed Assassination Attempt on Bin Laden

In 2000, foreign operatives working for the CIA launched a rocket-propelled grenade at a convoy in Afghanistan in which Bin Laden was traveling, hitting one of the vehicles, but Bin Laden was not in that vehicle.

2000: U.S. Intelligence Officials Visit Sudan

In 2000, the U.S. State Department authorized U.S. intelligence officials to visit Sudan. This occurred after Sudan had expelled Bin Laden and wanted to engage with the U.S., but American officials had previously refused to meet with them.

August 2001: Intelligence Report: Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.

On August 6, 2001, President George W. Bush received an intelligence report titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."

September 11, 2001: Interview with Pakistani Journalist

Two months after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Osama bin Laden gave an interview with Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir.

September 2001: Najwa Ghanem Left Afghanistan

In September 2001, Najwa Ghanem left Afghanistan two days before the September 11 attacks.

September 2001: September 11 Attacks

On September 11, 2001, the U.S. was attacked by al-Qaeda, who used four commercial airplanes as missiles against targets including the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, resulting in at least 2,750 deaths. Communications intercepted by the National Security Agency and German intelligence agencies pointed to Bin Laden's responsibility.

September 2001: Bin Laden Denies Involvement in 9/11 Attacks

On September 16, 2001, Osama bin Laden denied responsibility for the September 11 attacks in a statement broadcast by Al Jazeera.

September 2001: Bush's "Wanted: Dead or Alive" Comment

On September 17, 2001, President George W. Bush, while referring to Bin Laden in a CNN film clip, stated, "I want justice. There is an old poster out west, as I recall, that said, 'Wanted: Dead or alive'".

October 2001: Bosnia and Herzegovina Described as a Terrorist Safe Haven

In October 2001, a former U.S. State Department official described Bosnia and Herzegovina as a safe haven for terrorists, asserting that militant elements of the former Sarajevo government were protecting extremists, some with ties to Bin Laden.

October 2001: Bombing of Afghanistan

In October 2001, the bombing of Afghanistan commenced after attempts at assassination and requests for Bin Laden's extradition from the Taliban had failed. The US government was trying to get Bin Laden extradited following his 1998 indictment in the embassy attacks.

October 2001: Bin Laden Listed on FBI Most Wanted Terrorists List

On October 10, 2001, Osama bin Laden appeared on the initial list of the top 22 FBI Most Wanted Terrorists, based on the indictment for the 1998 embassy attack.

November 2001: Videotape Recovered Showing Bin Laden Discussing 9/11

In November 2001, U.S. forces recovered a videotape in Jalalabad showing Bin Laden discussing the September 11 attacks with Khaled al-Harbi in a way that suggests foreknowledge.

December 2001: Broadcast of Videotape

On December 13, 2001, a videotape recovered by U.S. forces was broadcast on various news networks. In the videotape Bin Laden was seen discussing the attack with Khaled al-Harbi.

2001: September 11 Attacks

In 2001, Osama bin Laden supervised the execution of the September 11 attacks inside the U.S.

2001: Bin Laden Believed to be Hiding in Tora Bora

In late 2001, the US government concluded that Bin Laden was present during the Battle of Tora Bora, Afghanistan. Failure to commit enough U.S. ground troops led to his escape and was considered a grave failure.

2001: Nasser al-Bahri Stopped Being Bodyguard

Until 2001, Nasser al-Bahri was Osama bin Laden's personal bodyguard.

2002: Bin Laden states Jews control civilian media, politics, and economic institutions of the United States

In a letter released in late 2002, Osama bin Laden stated that Jews controlled the civilian media outlets, politics, and economic institutions of the United States.

2002: Published Letter to the American People

In his Letter to the American People published in 2002, Bin Laden described the formation of the Israeli state as "a crime which must be erased" and demanded the withdrawal of U.S. personnel from the Arabian Peninsula and Muslim lands.

2004: Bin Laden speaks of "bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy"

In 2004, Osama bin Laden, in a tape broadcast by Al Jazeera, discussed al-Qaeda's strategy of "bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy" by luring it into long wars of attrition in Muslim countries.

2004: Bin Laden Claims Personal Direction of 9/11 Hijackers

In a 2004 video, Osama bin Laden claimed he had personally directed the nineteen hijackers in the September 11 attacks and accused George W. Bush of negligence in the hijacking of the planes.

December 2005: Letter Indicates Bin Laden's Location in Waziristan

On December 11, 2005, a letter from Atiyah Abd al-Rahman to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi indicated that Bin Laden and the al-Qaeda leadership were based in the Waziristan region of Pakistan at the time.

2005: CIA Unit Dedicated to Capturing Bin Laden Shut Down

In late 2005, the CIA unit composed of special operations paramilitary forces dedicated to capturing Bin Laden was shut down.

May 2006: Bin Laden Claims Responsibility for 9/11 Attacks

Through tapes aired by Al Jazeera in May 2006, Bin Laden announced, "I am the one in charge of the nineteen brothers... I was responsible for entrusting the nineteen brothers... with the raids."

September 2006: Videotape Showing Preparation for 9/11 Attacks Broadcast

In September 2006, a videotape broadcast showed Bin Laden with Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Hamza al-Ghamdi, and Wail al-Shehri as they made preparations for the 9/11 attacks.

2006: Alleged Imprisonment by ISI

In 2006, according to Seymour Hersh, Osama bin Laden was allegedly a prisoner of the ISI at the Abbottabad compound.

July 2007: Senate Vote to Double Reward for Bin Laden's Capture or Death

On July 13, 2007, the Senate voted to double the reward for information leading to Bin Laden's capture or death to $50 million, though the amount was never changed.

August 2007: Raid in Tora Bora Fails to Find Bin Laden

Between August 14 and 16, 2007, U.S. and Afghanistan forces raided mountain caves in Tora Bora after receiving intelligence of an al-Qaeda meeting, but did not find Bin Laden or al-Zawahiri.

August 2007: Al-Qaeda Releases Video Showing Bin Laden

In August 2007, Al-Qaeda continued to release time-sensitive and professionally verified videos demonstrating Bin Laden's continued survival.

October 2008: Obama Pledges to Kill Bin Laden

On October 7, 2008, during the second debate of the U.S. presidential election, Barack Obama pledged, "We will kill Bin Laden. We will crush al-Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority."

February 2009: Taliban Detainee Claims Contact Saw Bin Laden in Afghanistan

In early December 2009, a Taliban detainee in Pakistan said he had information that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan that year. He said that in January or February 2009, he met a trusted contact who had seen Bin Laden in Afghanistan about 15 to 20 days earlier.

March 2009: Hunt for Bin Laden Centered in Chitral District

In March 2009, the New York Daily News reported that the hunt for Bin Laden had centered in the Chitral District of Pakistan.

December 2009: Conflicting Reports on Bin Laden's Whereabouts

In early December 2009, conflicting reports emerged regarding Bin Laden's whereabouts, with a Taliban detainee claiming he was in Afghanistan, while U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated the U.S. had no reliable information on his location in years.

February 2010: Afghan President's Visit to Saudi Arabia

In February 2010, Afghan President Hamid Karzai visited Saudi Arabia to discuss Saudi involvement in reintegrating Taliban militants. A Saudi official stated that the kingdom would only participate if the Taliban severed ties with extremists and expelled Osama bin Laden.

June 2010: False Report of Bin Laden's Location

In June 2010, a Kuwaiti newspaper reported that Osama bin Laden was hiding in Sabzevar, Iran; the report later turned out to be false.

October 2010: NATO Official Suggests Bin Laden's Location

In October 2010, a NATO official suggested Osama bin Laden was living in Pakistan, protected by elements of the country's intelligence services. A Pakistani official denied the allegations.

2010: Bin Laden's Children Under Iranian Control

As of 2010, Iranian authorities reportedly continued to control the movements of many of Osama bin Laden's children, who had fled to Iran following the September 11 attacks.

2010: Bin Laden's Directives to Followers

In 2010, Osama bin Laden criticized followers for misinterpreting Islamic doctrine to justify massacres of Muslim civilians. He condemned Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan for civilian casualties, advocated for a jihadist code of conduct, urged a truce in Yemen, advised al-Shabab to pursue economic development in Somalia, and instructed followers to focus on education and persuasion.

April 2011: Obama Orders Operation Neptune Spear

In April 2011, Barack Obama ordered Operation Neptune Spear, which resulted in Osama bin Laden's death in May 2011.

April 2011: Bin Laden Traced to Abbottabad

In April 2011, U.S. intelligence traced Osama bin Laden to a three-story mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan, about 160 km from the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

May 2011: Osama bin Laden's Death

In May 2011, Osama bin Laden, the founder of al-Qaeda, was killed.

May 2011: Osama bin Laden Killed in Abbottabad

In May 2011, specifically on May 2nd, Osama bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan, by a U.S. military special operations unit in Operation Neptune Spear, ordered by President Barack Obama in April 2011.

May 2011: Death of Osama bin Laden

On May 2, 2011, Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. special operations forces at his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

June 2011: U.S. Drops Criminal Charges Against Bin Laden

In June 2011, U.S. federal prosecutors officially dropped all criminal charges against Osama bin Laden following his death.

June 2011: Ayman al-Zawahiri Succeeded Bin Laden

On June 16, 2011, Ayman al-Zawahiri succeeded Osama bin Laden as the leader of al-Qaeda.

February 2012: Demolition of Bin Laden's Compound

In February 2012, Pakistani authorities demolished Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad to prevent it from becoming a neo-Islamist shrine.

March 2012: Report on Bin Laden's Movements in Pakistan

In March 2012, the Pakistani newspaper Dawn acquired a report detailing Osama bin Laden's movements while living underground in Pakistan, based on interrogation of his three surviving wives.

February 2013: Plans for an Amusement Park on Compound Site

In February 2013, Pakistan announced plans to build an amusement park on the area of Osama bin Laden's former hideout.

2014: Report of ISI Director General's Knowledge

In 2014, Carlotta Gall reported that ISI Director General Ahmad Shuja Pasha knew of Bin Laden's presence in Abbottabad.

2015: Hersh's Assertion of Bin Laden as ISI Prisoner

In 2015, Seymour M. Hersh asserted that Osama bin Laden had been a prisoner of the ISI at the Abbottabad compound since 2006, and that Pasha knew of the U.S. mission in advance.

2019: No Direct Evidence of Pakistani Knowledge

As of 2019, Coll states there is no direct evidence showing Pakistani knowledge of Bin Laden's presence in Abbottabad.

2019: Imran Khan's Claim About Pakistani Intelligence

In 2019, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan claimed that Pakistani intelligence led the CIA to Osama bin Laden.

June 2020: Imran Khan's Denouncement and Praise of Bin Laden

During a Pakistani parliament session in June 2020, Imran Khan denounced Osama bin Laden's killing, calling it "an embarrassing moment," and praised Bin Laden as a "Shaheed (martyr)."

November 2023: Controversy Over Bin Laden's "Letter to the American People"

In November 2023, during the Gaza war, Osama bin Laden's 2002 "Letter to the American People" sparked controversy after TikTok users expressed sympathy with its statements, leading to its removal from The Guardian's website.

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